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dbacl manual pages

The dbacl project consists of several utilities which work together to perform various tasks related to text classification. Each utility has a UNIX manual page, which can be read on the following pages.

  • bayesol - calculates the optimal classification rule given misclassification costs. Should be used in conjunction with dbacl.
  • dbacl - calculates the posterior probabilities and performs classification. Can be used on its own or together with bayesol.
  • mailcross - estimates cross validation errors for email classifiers, based on a body of emails. Can compare the accuracy of many classifiers simultaneously.
  • mailtoe - estimates the classification accuracy for Train On Error schemes, based on a body of emails. Can compare the accuracy of many classifiers simultaneously.
  • mailfoot - estimates the classification accuracy for Full Online Ordered Training schemes, based on a body of emails. Can compare the accuracy of many classifiers simultaneously.
  • mailinspect - sorts emails within an mbox folder in order of similarity to any given category.

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