DBACL and TREC 2005 This note explains how to use dbacl with the TREC 2005 Spam Filter Evaluation Toolkit (or spamjig for short). The spamjig is a system you can install to test and compare several spam filters with either public data or your own private data. It is/was developed as part of the NIST TREC 2005 conference. The TREC Spam Filter Evalutation Toolkit can be downloaded from the following location: http://plg.uwaterloo.ca/~trlynam/spamjig/ The spamjig has a similar purpose as dbacl's mailcross testsuite commands (see the man page for mailcross(1)), but uses a different methodology with a possibly different selection of open and closed source spam filters, and may be more up to date than the mailcross wrappers for some filters. This README file only covers the spamjig aspects directly related to dbacl, please refer to the spamjig's documentation for other installation and usage instructions. If you have downloaded dbacl as part of the spamjig, then you already have a self extracting archive, named something like this: dbacl-1.9.1.TREC.sfx.sh In that case, you can skip the next section. Otherwise, you will have to create the file above from scratch, as explained below. PREPARING THE DBACL SELF-EXTRACTING SHELL SCRIPT The spamjig expects dbacl to come as a self-extracting shell script. To create this script from the normal dbacl-1.xxx.tar.gz is very easy. Suppose you have downloaded the file dbacl-1.9.1.tar.gz, then you simply type tar xfz dbacl-1.9.1.tar.gz cd dbacl-1.9.1 ./configure && make trec This will automatically create a self-extracting script named dbacl-1.9.1.TREC.sfx.sh and place it into the dbacl-1.9.1 directory. USING THE SELF-EXTRACTING SCRIPT WITH THE SPAMJIG To use the spamjig with a self extracting archive, first create a directory where you would like to run the spamjig test. Normally, this is a subdirectory of the spamjig working directory itself. Next, you should copy the file dbacl-1.xxx.TREC.sfx.sh into your chosen working directory, and type from within that directory ./dbacl-1.xxx.TREC.sfx.sh You will obtain a list of instructions as well as a set of possible optional parameters. Follow these instructions to create (in the current working directory) all the necessary programs and scripts. If something goes wrong, it should be printed on your terminal, so please read the messages. Upon success, you will have several scripts named initialize, classify, train, finalize, in the same directory containing the self extracting archive. These scripts are used by the spamjig, consult the spamjig documentation for details. Note: The self extracting archive checks for a local file named OPTIONS.default. If this file is found in the current directory, then you will not see instructions, but instead all the test jig files will be extracted directly. DBACL VARIANTS The dbacl program has several switches and options which can result in different classification performance. The spamjig scripts supplied with dbacl are designed to allow you to experiment with different settings if you like. The switches and settings used for a simulation are defined in a file called OPTIONS which exists in the share/dbacl/TREC subdirectory, ie the same directory containing this README file. This file is recreated every time initialize is called, so you cannot make changes to it. To change the simulation options, you have two choices: you can either select a predefined OPTIONS file among the variants which are bundled with dbacl, or you can write your own. PREDEFINED VARIANTS The initialize script accepts the name of an OPTIONS file on the command line, eg initialize OPTIONS.simple Here OPTIONS.simple is one among the OPTIONS.* files which are found in the dbacl-xxx/TREC/ source directory, where the program was compiled. Possible options are more or less as follows: OPTIONS.simple-d OPTIONS.simple-v OPTIONS.adp-unif-d OPTIONS.cef-unif-d OPTIONS.adp-dir-d OPTIONS.cef-dir-d OPTIONS.bi-adp-unif-d Remember that initialize will recreate the share/dbacl/TREC/OPTIONS file by overwriting it with one of the above. Each OPTIONS.* file is a text file and contains descriptions of the algorithmic choices it mandates and other relevant information. For the actual TREC conference, a specially named set of OPTIONS.* files exist, but dbacl is packaged with several others for your convenience. CUSTOM VARIANTS You can also create your own OPTIONS.xxx file if the predefined variants are not to your liking. To do so, simply create a file named OPTIONS.custom and place it in the same directory which contains the self extracting archive (ie where also the initialize script is created). Then you can type initialize OPTIONS.custom and the initialize script will look for the file OPTIONS.custom first among its predefined variants, and then in the current working directory if not found. The OPTIONS.custom file will overwrite the share/dbacl/TREC/OPTIONS file, and the simulation will use your custom settings.